
Tags: all untagged decoder DSP Default UI element Columns UI panel game music playback control tagging visualization diagnostic media library viewer playlist management output playback statistics search user interface demoscene queue remote control Super Nintendo visualizer Amiga archive automation Commodore 64 console output converter display headphones Nintendo playlist SQL streaming synthesizer album art Atari BPM Commodore 128 comparator crossfeed demo music DVD audio lyrics MIDI Nintendo DS nostalgia notifications portable devices ReplayGain resampler reverb scheduler skip ABX Acorn AdLib Amstrad CPC audio cd backup Blu-ray audio bookmark Browser clipboard Columns UI panel host compressor configuration crossfade decode postprocessor discogs Discord dynamics echo emulator fade GameBoy gapless HTML JavaScript limiter lossless MSX MUS MusicBrainz network Nintendo 64 Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Advance OPL2 packet decoder PC98 Peak Meter pitch shift playback playlist export playlist view PMD podcast QSound random remote library repair Sam Coupe Sega CD Sega Dreamcast Sega Genesis Sega Mega Drive Sega Saturn SID skip statistics Skype Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Spotify Super Famicom Surround svg TurboGrafX video Vorbis VST Winamp ZX Spectrum


Extensions for Columns User Interface.

NameLast UpdateDescription
Album list panel 2.0.3
Tags: Columns UI panel, media library viewer
2024-09-03A Columns UI panel version of album list. Allows you to browse your music library in a hierarchical structure.
Analog VU Meter Visualisation 0.10.1
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, visualization, visualizer
2025-02-09foo_vis_vumeter is modern reimplementation of the analog VU meter component by DRON. It renders using ...
Console panel 3.0.0
Tags: Columns UI panel, diagnostic
2023-05-06A Columns UI panel version of console. Displays diagnostic messages.
Coverflow 0.5.2
Tags: album art, Columns UI panel , Default UI element, media library viewer
2020-05-21foo_chronflow displays a 3D, animated, browsable coverflow view of your library.
iPod manager 0.7.2
Tags: Columns UI panel, portable devices
2020-02-02iPod management component compatible with most Apple iPod and iPhone models. ...
Lyric Show Panel 3 0.6
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, lyrics
2023-11-18A UI element which can download and display both timestamped and text only lyrics. Compatible with both ...
mpv Video 0.6.10 beta
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, video
2022-04-23Video playback and thumbnail support for local video files, based on mpv. ...
OpenLyrics 1.11
Tags: Columns UI Panel, Default UI element, lyrics
2024-09-05An open-source lyrics plugin that includes its own UI panel for displaying timed and untimed lyrics as ...
Playlist Organizer 2.6
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, playlist management
2015-10-13foo_plorg is a simple component that will let your organize your playlists in a treeview fashion. It ...
Playlists Dropdown 0.7.6
Tags: Columns UI panel, playlist management
2009-09-23This component displays the playlists in a dropdown list. Titles of the playlists are configurable and ...
Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, queue
2012-03-11foo_queuecontents enables the user to edit and view queue contents through an ui element. Both the Default ...
Quick Search Toolbar 3.9
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, Media Library Viewer, search
2024-06-18Basic search toolbar that will send results of the search to a playlist of your choice. Includes various ...
Shpeck 0.3.7
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, emulator, visualization, Winamp
2009-09-28Shpeck runs Winamp visualisation plugins in a stand-alone window, a Columns UI panel or Default UI element. ...
Spectrum Analyzer
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, Peak Meter, visualization, visualizer
2024-04-17foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer is a foobar2000 component that implements a spectrum analyzer panel. ...
Spider Monkey Panel 1.6.1
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element
2022-01-13Allows to use JavaScript to create full-fledged CUI/DUI panels! ...
SQL Tree 4.0.6
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, media library viewer, search, SQL
2023-05-21foo_uie_sql_tree is a foobar2000 component for viewing the media library in a tree structure using SQL ...
Tagger Panel 2.0.0
Tags: Columns UI panel, tagging
2023-04-22foo_uie_tagger_mod is a foobar2000 component for quick tagging defined metadata fields. It can be used ...
Typefind panel 0.4.0
Tags: Columns UI panel, search
2023-11-02Provides a Columns UI search bar to search the active playlist.
UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point 0.99.49
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, media library viewer, remote control, remote library, streaming
2015-01-13UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Media Server, Control Point ...
Waveform Minibar (mod) 1.2.58
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, playback control
2024-01-16Seekbar that shows the waveform of the track. Lighter, fully software implemented version of the original ...
Waveform Seekbar 0.2.45
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element
2014-02-08A user interface element providing a seekbar that displays the waveform of the playing song, compatible ...
Tags: Browser, Columns UI panel, Default UI element, HTML, JavaScript, visualization
2024-12-15foo_uie_webview is a component that exposes the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control as UI panel. The component ...
How to install a component?